Published Papers
“School Closures During the 1918 Flu Pandemic“ with Philipp Ager, Ezra Karger, Peter Nencka, and Melissa A. Thomasson. Review of Economics and Statistics, Forthcoming.
“Immigrants and Cities during the Age of Mass Migration” with Zachary Ward. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2022.“The intergenerational effects of a large wealth shock: White southerners after the Civil War” with Philipp Ager and Leah Boustan. American Economic Review, 2021.
“Automated Linking of Historical Data” with Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan, James Feigenbaum, and Santiago Perez. Journal of Economic Literature, 2021.
“Trade Shocks and the Shifting Landscape of U.S. Manufacturing” with Katheryn Russ, Jay Shambaugh, and Minfei Xu. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2021.
“How the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Shaped Economic Activity in the American West” with Philipp Ager, Casper Worm Hansen, and Lars Lønstrop. Explorations in Economic History, 2020.
“Discrimination and the Returns to Cultural Assimilation in the Age of Mass Migration” with Ran Abramitzky, Leah Boustan, and Stephanie Hao. American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 2020.
“Long Run Impacts of Agricultural Shocks: The impact of childhood exposure to the boll-weevil on educational attainment” with Richard Baker and John Blanchette. Journal of Economic History, 2020.
“Do immigrants assimilate more slowly today than in the past?” with Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan. American Economic Review-Insights, 2020.
“Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Outcomes: Norwegian Migrants during the Age of Mass Migration” European Review of Economic History, 2020.
“The Residential Segregation of Immigrants in the United States from 1850 to 1940” with Zachary Ward. Journal of Economic History, December 2019.
“Education and Incarceration in the Jim Crow South: Evidence from Rosenwald Schools” Journal of Human Resources, 2020.
“Moving North and Into Jail: The Great Migration and Black Incarceration” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, March 2019.
“Revising Infant Mortality Rates for the Early 20th Century United States” with Gregory T. Niemesh and Melissa Thomasson. Demography, December 2018.
“To the New World and Back Again: Return Migration and Upward Mobility” with Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan. Industrial Labor Relations Review, 2019.
“The Impact of HIV testing on Subjective Mortality and Fertility: Experimental Evidence from Malawi” with Veronica Sovero. Economics Letters, December 2016.
“Does the language of instruction in primary school affect later labor market outcomes? Evidence from South Africa.” Economic History of Developing Regions, October 2014.
“A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration,” with Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan. Journal of Political Economy, June 2014.
“Have the Poor Always Been Less Likely to Migrate? Evidence from Inheritance Practices during the Age of Mass Migration,” with Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan. Journal of Development Economics, 2013.
“Europe’s Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses: Self-Selection and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration,” with Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan. American Economic Review, 2012. Web Appendix
Working Papers
NBER Working Paper #28078, November 2020
Submitted“Death in the Promised Land: The Great Migration and Black Infant Mortality” with Gregory T. Niemesh
”Marriage and the Intergenerational Mobility of Women: Evidence from Marriage Certificates, 1850-1910” with Jacqueline Craig and Gregory T. Niemesh
“Immigration and Infant Mortality in Massachusetts: Evidence from the Age of Mass Migration” with Peter Z. Lin and Gregory T. Niemesh
“The Making of an American: Public Kindergartens and the Assimilation of Immigrant Children”, with Philipp Ager, Francesco Cinnirella, and Viktor Malein
Works in Progress
“Labor Market Scarring in the Very Long Run: Evidence from Large-Scale Longitudinal Microdata” with Vellore Arthi and Gary Richardson
“Did the Boll Weevil kick off the Great Migration?” with Philipp Ager, Richard Baker, John Blanchette, and Benedikt Herz